CSA Seattle
Chapter Conference

Secure Digital Transformation @ Cloud City

Meet the Speakers

Securing the Digital Horizon At Cloud City

As the home to many of the leading Cloud pioneers the Northwest and is fast becoming known as Cloud City. The way we do business and the risk landscape we operate in continues to evolve, with cloud technology at the forefront of the transformation.

The Cloud, IoT, and Blockchain are changing the IT landscape and create new challenges for managing cloud operations and data; and identifying and responding to unique attack and security issues.

Join us on September 21st at Embassy Suites

Plan to join us for a one day conference with leading industry experts to discuss governance and compliance standards, security assessment and deployment strategies, critical and emerging threats, legal issues/obligations, business uses, and best practices to help CIO’s, CTO’s, CISO’s and IT Security Professionals address the new frontiers in securing the digital horizon in the Cloud.

What: 3 educational tracks followed by an evening social.
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel, Bellevue, WA
When: September 21st 2018, 8:45 – 7pm, Registration opens at 8:00am
Cost: $199 early bird before/on September 5th / $250 after September 1st
Included in registration: All Day Conference, Evening Social with Appetizers and 2 Drink Tickets, Breakfast Buffet, Breaks, and Lunch
Credits: 8 CPE credits

View the Agenda

Certificate in Cloud Security Knowledge Foundations Training

The Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) provides students a comprehensive review of cloud security fundamentals and prepares them to take the Cloud Security Alliance CCSK V4 Certification Exam.

What: The CCSK training is comprised of six modules, encompassing the Cloud Security Alliance’s 14 Domains, ensuring students can successfully prepare for the exam while also enhancing their overall competencies in cloud security.
Where: Embassy Suites Hotel, Bellevue, WA
When: Thursday, September 20, 2018 from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM PDT

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